Nice catch. I can only imagine the fury your poor pensioner whips himself into after he takes his computer to be fixed because "the Internet is kaputt", and the technicians can't find anything wrong with it.
mickimicki - 8. Jun, 20:17
Oh yeah!
After that incident I think it is actually more fun to run the wireless without protection for a while, so the neighbourhood gets to know about it before the great swoop. Sweet how they name their computers after themselves for easy identification!
Anyway, my pensioner neighbour Mr Lehmann so deserved being cut off... It's not poverty, he's just really mean. (I wish I knew what he was looking at when we interrupted his internet session. And whether his wife knew about it...)
Ein Schlag Gegen die Breitbandsauger!
Oh yeah!
Anyway, my pensioner neighbour Mr Lehmann so deserved being cut off... It's not poverty, he's just really mean. (I wish I knew what he was looking at when we interrupted his internet session. And whether his wife knew about it...)